ZEN circle ENSO
Zen circle is called “Enso”.(円相)
Sometimes different “Kanji”(Chinese character) 円窓 is used for “Enso”, represents “round window”, which means our mind’s window.
Enso is one of Sumi ink painting (Japanese calligraphy) in Zen.
Usually it is drawn in one brushstroke, and is sometimes called “Ichienzu”(一円図)、”Ichienso”(一円相).
~Enso symbolizes absolute enlightenment, strength, elegance, the universe and “mu”(無)(meaning void). It is characterized by a minimalism born of Japanese aesthetics.~
*Quaoted from Wikipedia
Japanese aesthetics seeking for simplicity is called Wabi-sabi.
Wabi expresses the happiness and mental abundance in the imperfect (hard) circumstances.
Sabi expresses the beauty we can find in imperfection.
So Wabi can be a symbol of inner abundance, and Sabi can be a symbol of outer beauty(simplicity).
When you draw Enso, you have to draw it in one brushstroke, meaning there is no time to stop, no chance to fix.
It is the moment when the mind should be free, and let go of everything.
This is ZEN meditation practice.
In other words, this spiritual practice of drawing Enso is the practice of self-realization.
Sometimes Enso circle is open, which means incomplete.
This incomplete allows more movement, development and practice.
When Enso circle is closed, which represents perfection.
However, how you look at Enso circle and what you have in your mind by looking at it, is totally up to you.
Enso circle is simple, yet really profound and teaches us a lot.
It never stops attracting us, because our entire life is a long trip of self-realization.
I love to draw Enso circle, but at the same time, I love to look at Enso.
Looking at Enso circle is a good meditation.