Cherry blossoms viewing cycling spots in Tokyo – Part 2

Tamagawa river cherry blossoms
Tamagawa river cherry blossoms
Tamagawa river cherry blossoms

Cherry blossoms viewing cycling spots in Tokyo, Part 2.

We would like to give you some more ideas for Cherry blossoms viewing cycling spots.

First Tamagawa river.

Tamagawa river is a wide river, runs between Tokyo and Kanagawa.

Alongside this river, there are nice jogging & cycling roads both sides all the way.

You can enjoy cycling as well as walking.

Tamagawa river cherry blossoms
Tamagawa river cherry blossoms
Tamagawa river cherry blossoms
Tamagawa river cherry blossoms
Tamagawa river cherry blossoms
Tamagawa river cherry blossoms
Tamagawa river cherry blossoms
Tamagawa river cherry blossoms

Second, Aoyama cemetery in Minato-ku.

Aoyama cemetery cherry blossoms
Aoyama cemetery cherry blossoms

Aoyama cemetery is located between Aoyama and Roppongi.

Very sacred area with lots of cherry trees.

Aoyama cemetery cherry blossoms
Aoyama cemetery cherry blossoms
Aoyama cemetery cherry blossoms
Aoyama cemetery cherry blossoms
Aoyama cemetery cherry blossoms
Aoyama cemetery cherry blossoms
Aoyama cemetery cherry blossoms
Aoyama cemetery cherry blossoms

Thrid, Sakura-Zaka street, near Tamagawa river.

This is not long, but gorgeous cherry blossoms, like the name shows.

Sakura Zaka street cherry blossoms
Sakura Zaka street cherry blossoms
Sakura Zaka street cherry blossoms
Sakura Zaka street cherry blossoms
Sakura Zaka street cherry blossoms
Sakura Zaka street cherry blossoms

Fourth, Rinshi-no-mori park, in Shinagawa ku.

Rinshi-no-mori Park cherry blossoms
Rinshi-no-mori Park cherry blossoms

This park is quite big, has lots of nature, not just cherry trees.

You can enjoy cycling or walking inside this park.

Rinshi-no-mori Park cherry blossoms
Rinshi-no-mori Park cherry blossoms
Rinshi-no-mori Park cherry blossoms
Rinshi-no-mori Park cherry blossoms

We will show you more Sakura viewing cycling spots in Part 3, next time!